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New Subsea Cable Landing Station Powered by Maddox

Maddox is helping power the datacenter industry & connecting businesses around the world. Check out our latest project powering on a new cable landing station.

Written by:
Jeremy Abegg-Guzman

May 20, 2024

Maddox Padmount transformer powering a data hall at DC Blox's South Carolina data center

The pandemic forced companies nationwide to increase their digital presence to stay competitive. These companies needed fast access to the cloud and big data solutions to help facilitate their digital move. One company working hard to provide businesses in the southeast with this digital infrastructure is DC BLOX.

DC BLOX is a data center company serving businesses in the southeast United States. Through massive data centers, dark fiber routes, and access to the cloud, DC BLOX provides the quick connection companies need to conduct business around the world. For instance, DC BLOX’s Myrtle Beach location in South Carolina provides digital resources through its subsea cables. 

“DC BLOX is all about connecting globally and supporting locally,” says John Dumler, Vice President of Data Center Design and Engineering. “We are all about supporting the community and helping it grow through technology. For us, it's about connectivity. We connect the world with the southeast and facilitate business.”

A construction site working around three data halls at DC's BLOX's Myrtle Beach location and stacks of computers lined against a wall inside of a data hall

For instance, DC BLOX’s Myrtle Beach location serves as South Carolina’s first subsea fiber cable landing site. Subsea cables form the backbone of the internet. They connect continents and countries. This cable enables people in the southeast to connect to businesses around the world. But this all requires one thing: energy. 

“From the simplest standpoint, data centers are meant to be supported by the utility,” says John Dumler. “And if the utility goes down, they have backup generators right? But without transformers, we can’t get the power from the utility.” 

Two Maddox 2500 kVA 13200 D - 480 Y 277 padmount transformers serving DC BLOX and their data storage center

That’s where Maddox comes in. Maddox provided DC BLOX’s Myrtle beach facility with two padmount 2500 kVA 13200 D - 480 Y 277 transformers. Each transformer runs 2.5 megawatts and keeps DC BLOX’s data hall online. And with Myrtle Beach scheduled to have a 40 megawatt capacity, there is plenty of room to grow. 

Looking for transformers for your data center? Check out our data center transformer page.

“We understood the challenges that everyone is facing with the supply chain,” says John Dumler. “Maddox had a very unique and interesting approach to help mitigate some of those challenges. They have met their schedule and they have a superior product.” 

For the past four years, transformer supply chains have been unable to meet customers’ demand. This has resulted in extended lead times for new transformers. For padmount transformers, these lead times can be as long as 50-60 weeks. Maddox’s innovative solution to this problem is stocking and remanufacturing transformers. 

By remanufacturing transformers, Maddox keeps old transformers out of landfills and puts them to work in like-new condition. Remanufactured transformers are just as reliable as new transformers and the best part is you can get them faster and at a lower price.

If you need a transformer and want to avoid supply chain delays, fill out the form below.

Maddox padmount transformer loaded on truck

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